MudWing Massacre

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The MudWing Massacre of 8,103 was a disaster set during a time skip in server canon, from the end of Generation 3 to the start of Generation 4. During a feast in the Mud Kingdom, King Warthog of the MudWings, all but one of his siblings, and several feast attendees, were assassinated via enchanted spear by Mud Palace servant, Truthtwister, in response to the king’s murder of her IceWing husband and presumed death of her only child.


Truthtwister was an animus MudWing-NightWing hybrid, serving King Warthog. According to his surviving sister, Warthog constantly forced Truthtwister to cast frivolous enchantments for him, before discarding objects that he perceived to be defective and demanding more.

While still in servitude to the king, Truthtwister was in a relationship with an IceWing diplomat. This relationship, and later marriage, was hidden from the king due to his treatment of Truthtwister as property and his notorious unwillingness to share. She was under the later vindicated belief that she or her lover would be executed if discovered, and was not able to visit him frequently.

In 8,103, King Warthog hosted yet another feast for MudWing aristocrats, to celebrate the anniversary of his rule. He had become infamous for these frequent feasts, which were regarded by many as a blatant waste of funds and a spit in the face to starving MudWings around the kingdom.

During the festivities, King Warthog was alleged to have joked about killing an IceWing, leading to Truthtwister discovering Warthog’s killing of her husband and abandonment of her egg. In response, she was reported to have “snapped under the years of abuse”, and enchanted one of King Warthog’s favored spears to “draw the blood of whomever it [was] aimed at”.


In the middle of the feast, Truthtwister launched the spear she had enchanted at Warthog. Accounts of the attack vary, but it is generally accepted that Warthog used his siblings and personal guards as “dragon shields”, pushing them in front of the spear’s path and killing them as he fled. His attempt at escape was unsuccessful, and the spear struck him in the heart and killed him near-instantly.

The feast was swiftly evacuated, preventing the vast majority of the attendees from being injured or even seeing bloodshed. Despite the adept response by the royal guards, there was still a significant death toll. Warthog and six of his siblings were killed, and the one surviving sister was injured. Three guards were injured, one of which passed away in the days after the attack.


After the deaths of King Warthog and most of his siblings, Lady Bulrush was forced to ascend to the throne. The succession list remained mostly empty for a few years afterwards, with prospective aristocrats put off by the brutal deaths of the former royal family.

Being longtime allies of the Mud Kingdom, the Sky Kingdom sent medical staff to the Mud Palace to assist with injuries and help defend the Mud Kingdom’s borders while they recovered from the period of instability.

King Warthog’s spear, as well as his other animus-enchanted objects, were locked in the back of the Mud Palace Treasury. The MudWing Massacre is cited as a reason for the kingdom’s recent shift into militarization, with the Cherry Stronghold being constructed shortly thereafter.


The concept of the MudWing Massacre was authored by snackingluce and oiledmushrooms, with additional detailing by snugglycactus.