
From Wings of Fire: The New World Wiki
Revision as of 02:10, 10 May 2024 by Abadraco (talk | contribs) (seawings join the hivemind)

\SeaWings are one of the selectable tribes in Wings of Fire: The New World



Attributes and Abilities


  • Night Vision
  • Conduit Power in water
  • Speed 2 while swimming


Abilities Activation Self-Effect Afflicting Effect Charge Duration Cooldown
Tidal Wave Sneak + Right Click ---
  • Mining Fatigue 1 (4s)
  • Slowness 1 (4s)
  • With Torrent 1: Poison 2 (3s)
  • With Torrent 2: Poison 4 (3s)
--- 10s
Ocean's Blessing Hold item
  • In Water: Speed 2 (3s)
  • While Swimming: Speed 4 (3s)
--- --- ---
Tail Flail Melee --- Blindness (4s)

With Torrent 2: Blindness (7s)

--- 12s
Passive Ability Level Activation Effect Charge Duration Cooldown
Torrent 1 Health is 7 hearts or lower Strength 1 (1s) --- ---
2 Health is 4 hearts or lower Strength 2 (1s) --- ---
True Blessing Charge Ocean's Blessing while submerged in water
  • Regeneration 1 (3s) every 15s
  • While Swimming:
    • Dolphin's Grace (1s)
    • Speed 4 (4s)
--- 5s


Position Character In-Game Name Discord Name
Ruler Riptide fog_deity fog_deity
Crown Heir Carp CARP2663 carpinacup
Heir Apparent Axolotl Beta_Furret betafurret1503
Heir Presumptive Lanternfish JinxxedRubyy jinxxedruby
Crown Noble Salmonseer CoolMad10 coolmad10
Grand Noble Prismarine Nightglide nightglide_
High Noble Sashimi LollyLiz woofing_waffles
Noble Apparent Tide Big_Chungus76 doodledragon
Noble Presumptive Meri Vatsaongelmia flamestar10_88504